Monday 2 April 2018

Quest for The Worst Movie Part 7: Fant4stic

It would appear that some comic book characters are instant gold when it comes to movies.  There is a wealth of stories you can go through, and the characters are amazing and if they are done the right way you have a set of movies that are a gold mine.  Look at examples like the original Superman movies, Deadpool, and The Dark Knight trilogy and you'll see some amazing storytelling with some great characters.

With great regret, I have to inform you that Fantastic Four appears to be one of those franchises that has never been one of the good ones, and Fant4stic is proof of this.

The movie is just outright awful!  I mean before I start on anything else, did somebody lose the money for the lighting budget?  I mean there appear to be nothing but a lot of darkened rooms and outdoor night shots which is really bad.  I mean I understand that some movies make it look gritty and edgy by having shots in dark rooms, but not all the time!

The story does not seem to make a lot of sense either, but I guess it does not help that there is a lot of things there were filmed and then left on the cutting room floor...or the just the trailer.

Now, you look at the trailer and you expect a movie with a good bit of action, yes?  Well, without giving too muhc of it away, theres a major scene in the trailer which DOESN'T happen in the movie, which is a real pity because it would have improved it significantly.

This movie is just dreadful.  The story was dreadful as strayed right away from the proper origins of The Fantastic Four (They got their powers in outer space dagnabbit!!!), The Human Torch was played by a black man (no issue with this as such...except he's brother to The Invisible Girl and she's white...and pretty sure that they don't have same folks, it's confusing) and the most controversial thing?  Well yes...Thing....he isn't wearing any trunks (Don't worry there's no genitalia showing!).  Oh, and what the hell was up with Doctor Doom?!?

Now, I totally understand that what was attempted here was a completely new retelling of the creation of The Fantastic Four, but they just did it wrong, and on top of all that there was the differences between Josh Trank and 20th Century Fox.  The movie posters and trailers show much more to this movie than what is actually shown and that is really sad (For examples and details have a look HERE and HERE) so maybe if we were actually allowed to see the movie as it was originally supposed to be there would have been something that was far more cohesive and would at least make some sense.

Yet again, it would appear that the curse of Twentieth Century Fox has fallen on a third movie, and this is truly awful....and this has to be the worst of the 3 movies that come from that studio.  However, as much as this movie is truly awful it's still not as bad as either Birdemic movie and so my quest continues to find that one movie that can take the crown.

Fant4stic is rated 12A and is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital download.

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