Friday 30 March 2018

Ready Player One 3D IMAX Preview

This evening I went and saw Ready Player One. This movie is based on the book of the same name by Ernest Cline.
The movie is about a race to complete challenges to get the Egg, which then means you own the Oasis, a huge global virtual reality system. A big corporate system wants it so they can make it a massive cash cow, whereas a bunch of kids want to make it free for everyone.

I walked into the cinema expecting a movie that was resembling the book....the book is amazing and had me hooked until the end (the audiobook is pretty good too, read by geek legend Wil Wheaton) which is actually unusual as I have issues with reading and attention. 

Well.... I got something totally different.

Now, this isn't a bad thing, after all, most movies based on books tend to have differences, but this movie as much as it has maybe the idea behind the book it is completely different so if you are going into this movie expecting the story from the book you will be disappointed. Just go in and expect a fun movie about a quest littered with popular culture references and you'll enjoy the movie.

The graphics when people use the OASIS were mind blowing with detail that went into scenery and characters being almost pixel perfect, then add to that the 80s tracks playing through the movie as well as the score by Alan Sivestri and you have an experience that combines the future with the past and its absolutely brilliant.

I also got this poster for going to the preview at ODEON Silverlink:

Ready Player One is rated 12A and can be seen in 2D and 3D in cinemas now. 

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