Thursday 29 March 2018

Will Gamergate Kill the Ready Player One Movie?

I was shown this article this morning and it's
quite an interesting read. Don't worry there's nothing that spoils the movie in this article, click the link and have a read.

I'm a gamer, I love games (especially retro) and Gamergate was one of the most disgusting elitist things to happen. Death and rape threats to female gamer is never cool....and troll tactics like getting SWAT teams set to females gamers houses is ridiculous....especially when it caused at least one death.

Gamergate has taken the shine off of books like Ernest Cline's Ready Player One and Armada (both great books by the way, check them out) but will this make it a struggle for the Ready Player One movie to be a success?

After watching the preview last night (review up soon) I don't think so. The screen was packed and there was and everyone around me was really getting into the movie, and quite a few people leaving were saying they needed to go again to try and get all the popular references in the movie!

So sure, Gamergate has left an understandably nasty taste in people's mouths. Some people were being elitist jerks and took it stupidly too far. Anyone can be a gamer, or a geek, or just a causal fan....or whatever the heck you want to be as long as you aren't harming anyone do what's good for you. You be you....and be damn awesome as you do it.

Ready Player One is rated 12A can be seen in 2D and 3D in cinemas now.

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