Friday 30 March 2018

Ready Player One 3D IMAX Preview

This evening I went and saw Ready Player One. This movie is based on the book of the same name by Ernest Cline.
The movie is about a race to complete challenges to get the Egg, which then means you own the Oasis, a huge global virtual reality system. A big corporate system wants it so they can make it a massive cash cow, whereas a bunch of kids want to make it free for everyone.

I walked into the cinema expecting a movie that was resembling the book....the book is amazing and had me hooked until the end (the audiobook is pretty good too, read by geek legend Wil Wheaton) which is actually unusual as I have issues with reading and attention. 

Well.... I got something totally different.

Now, this isn't a bad thing, after all, most movies based on books tend to have differences, but this movie as much as it has maybe the idea behind the book it is completely different so if you are going into this movie expecting the story from the book you will be disappointed. Just go in and expect a fun movie about a quest littered with popular culture references and you'll enjoy the movie.

The graphics when people use the OASIS were mind blowing with detail that went into scenery and characters being almost pixel perfect, then add to that the 80s tracks playing through the movie as well as the score by Alan Sivestri and you have an experience that combines the future with the past and its absolutely brilliant.

I also got this poster for going to the preview at ODEON Silverlink:

Ready Player One is rated 12A and can be seen in 2D and 3D in cinemas now. 

Quest For The Worst Movie Part 6 - Birdemic Part 2: The Ressurection

I must be completely mad.

If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time then you should know that I really do not like the movie Birdemic and I've been looking for a movie that could be potentially worse.  To date I have found nothing to beat it in any way.

Perhaps now I have found a the sequel.

Birdemic 2: The Ressurection has basically the same premise as the first "masterpiece" where birds decide to attack people....but this time it's prehistoric birds coming out of tar pits after a mysterious red rain hits Hollywood.  Add cavemen and zombies into the mix and you have all kinds of "fun".

To whet your appetite, here's the trailer:

This DREADFUL!!  This movie is actually on par with its predecessor.  The audio is awful, the acting is wooden, the story is laughable and makes absolutely no sense and the CGI would have been more realistic if they'd used graphics from a Spectrum ZX81 and the beginning title sequence is just a man walking the streets....and walking...and walking....and feels like it goes on forever.

I have also recently found out that there is a 3D version of this movie.  I have not been able to source this version, but I cannot imagine that it would really make it much better....I mean I don't think there is really anything you could do to this movie or the previous one that could actually improve it.

So, as the quest rolls on, I still have no letter to write to James Nguyen saying sorry that I thought Birdemic was the worst as BOTH the Birdemic movies are damn awful....just truly, truly dreadful on pretty much every level.  The only good thing about these movies?  Knowing they actually end. 

BIRDEMIC 2: THE RESURRECTION is not rated and is available on DVD and digital download if you really must do want to watch this movie.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Will Gamergate Kill the Ready Player One Movie?

I was shown this article this morning and it's
quite an interesting read. Don't worry there's nothing that spoils the movie in this article, click the link and have a read.

I'm a gamer, I love games (especially retro) and Gamergate was one of the most disgusting elitist things to happen. Death and rape threats to female gamer is never cool....and troll tactics like getting SWAT teams set to females gamers houses is ridiculous....especially when it caused at least one death.

Gamergate has taken the shine off of books like Ernest Cline's Ready Player One and Armada (both great books by the way, check them out) but will this make it a struggle for the Ready Player One movie to be a success?

After watching the preview last night (review up soon) I don't think so. The screen was packed and there was and everyone around me was really getting into the movie, and quite a few people leaving were saying they needed to go again to try and get all the popular references in the movie!

So sure, Gamergate has left an understandably nasty taste in people's mouths. Some people were being elitist jerks and took it stupidly too far. Anyone can be a gamer, or a geek, or just a causal fan....or whatever the heck you want to be as long as you aren't harming anyone do what's good for you. You be you....and be damn awesome as you do it.

Ready Player One is rated 12A can be seen in 2D and 3D in cinemas now.

Monday 26 March 2018

A Wrinkle in Time (2D)

A Wrinkle in Time (2D)

Today I went to see A Wrinkle in Time, a remake of the 2003 TV movie also made by Disney based on a set of books called The Time Quintet by Madeleine L'Engle.

A young girl (Meg) and her brother (Charles Wallace) are considered outcasts after their father vanishes. The kid's parents are scientists who have been working on theories of interdimensional and space travel. They have a friend (Calvin) who tags along who is also an outcast, not considered good enough by his father.

Beings from other parts of space - the Misses - come to the kids saying they got a call for help and that they can rescue their father and save the universe by fighting darkness with the light within.

There are challenges along the way which they all need to face. Can they overcome the darkness inside them and be warriors of light? Can they save their father and be a happy family? Can Calvin stand up to his father?

The movie was an entertaining watch, with action for the kids as lots of bits that were cute or made you laugh. It has a huge "believe in yourself" vibe to it which is great for kids and adults alike and the kind of thing to you'd expect from a Disney movie.

The effects and CGI were really good too and I'd imagine the 3D screening would be rather good.

A Wrinkle in Time is rated PG and is in cinemas now in 2D and 3D

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