Wednesday 17 May 2017

Is there a movie that's WORSE than Birdemic?

I was on Facebook recently when I saw a post asking about what the worst movie ever made is, and everyone who knows me knows that the worst movie I have ever seen is Birdemic.  The acting is awful, the script is awful and the CGI is so bad that 8 bit sprites from a Sega Master System would be better!  I have only ever seen this movie once and I never....EVER...want to see this again.  It's so bad that my wife watched the Cinema Sins for this and said that she wanted her 20 minutes back and it topped Eragon which was her worst ever movie!

However, like Qui-Gon Jinn says "There's always a bigger fish" so I am now on a quest to see if there is a movie that's worse than Birdemic....I have so far had the following suggested:

  • Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Remake)
  • Dragonball Evolution
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street (Remake)
  • Prometheus
  • Screamers
  • RoboCop 3
  • Eragon
  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
  • Batman & Robin
  • Santa Claus vs The Martians
  • X-Men 3: The Last Stand
  • Food Fight
  • American Ultra
  • Underworld series
  • eXistenZ
  • Iron Sky 1&2
  • Nazis at the Centre of the Earth
  • Fateful Findings
  • Twilight
  • The Final Destination
  • Naked Lunch
So...what do you think has the potential to beat Birdemic and take the crown for my worst movie ever?  Give me your suggestions, I'll give them a watch and let's see if you're right!!

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