Wednesday 6 October 2010


Today I saw Buried at Vue Cinema, Festival Place, Basingstoke.

Waking groggy in the pitch darkness, Paul Conroy, an American truck driver working as a contractor in Iraq, realizes that he has been trapped inside a wooden coffin, and is buried alive.  All he has is a Zippo lighter and he discovers there is a cell phone in there with him also.  Conroy tries to use the phone to contact the outside World attempting to get rescued, but sadly he soon discovers that the outside World is not very helpinf at finding a man buried in a box in the middle of the Iraq desert so he must rely on the best resource that he has...himself.

The movie centres around Conroy and this is the only person you see in the entire movie, you see how he, he attempts to get himself out of the situation, with the battery of the cell phone he is using getting ever lower all the time.

Ryan Reynolds plays the role of Conroy really well, and although I didn't really expect much from this movie I did enjoy it, and wasn't too bad to watch.  I don't want to say too much about this movie in fear of giving away the end for some, but I thought it was an interesting twist at the end.
Buried is rated 15 and in cinemas now

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