Saturday 16 September 2017

Quest for Worst Movie Part 4 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Yes, I's been a while since I've done anything on my quest to find a movie WORSE than Birdemic, I've been recovering from surgery and I'm finally back!!  Hopefully I'll get the quest back on track as well as doing various reviews.....and so without further delay here's the fourth part of the quest, which has me watching the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street released in 2010

I've been a fan of horror as far as I can remember, the first movie I saw was Eyes of a Broken Doll, but the first movie I willingly saw with friends was the original A Nightmare on Elm Street.  The movie is an absolute classic, and got me hooked on horror.  Now, the franchise, like so many others, got sillier as it went along, but is still has a place in my heart and means a lot to me.

When it was announced that a remake was being made, I was dubious, I mean....this was a Freddy movie WITHOUT Rober Englund after all, and immediately this felt like a bad thing. I saw the trailer and then thought I'd give it a here's the trailer:

So, the teenagers of Springwood are finding they are having a problem with waking up dead, they are being plagued nightmares that feature a scarred man wearing a striped jumper, fedora and has sharp fingers on one hand. As they get picked off one by one they have to figure out how to stop this Freddy, the man of their dreams from wiping them all out.

The story is almost all the same apart from a few bits and bobs (or it pretty much feels that way) which isn't too bad apart from the main reason that they hunt down and kill Freddy (I won't give that away here, no spoilers in this blog if I can help it).  I have to admit that the bedroom and bathroom scenes were nice homages to the original movies in my opinion....however, as much as I enjoyed the movie when I saw it in the in the cinema, but it is nowhere near as good as the original despite the great makeup job on Jackie Earl Haley (truly looked like Mr Crispy!!) but it just didn't work, there was something missing and I honestly think it was Robert Englund...his charisma was what made it, after all the original is what kept New Line Cinema afloat (it made the company "The House That Freddy Built").

The film is ok I guess, but as a Freddy fan I'm really not impressed....I wonder if the planned upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street reboot will be better, but if I'm honest I seriously doubt it.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) is rated 18 and available in various formats now.

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