Saturday 23 September 2017

Limited Run IT Chapter 1 Poster

I love finding some of the limited run posters that are made to promote movies, and recently I discovered that this one had been made....

This is an awesome limited run poster!!!

The sad part?  This is a limited run of 10.

Quest for the Worst Movie Part 5 - Super Mario Bros.

Well, it was inevitable that this "gem" was going to turn up at one stage...and low and behold my eldest stepson suggested this here goes and let's get this out the way...oh, and thanks, Ben!

Now, most people know about Nintendos Super Mario has pretty much been everywhere and done everything.  Mario Mario has been the poster boy for Nintendo for years (oh how things have changed for little Jumpman!) and so I guess it was logical that Mario and his lanky goofy brother would feature in a movie at some stage.

But, instead of an incredibly awesome movie....we get....THIS

I asked my wife what was the best part of this movie....without hesitation, she said "That it ended!"

So, Mario Mario and his brother Luigi Mario attempt to help Daisy when they accidentally go to another dimension where dinosaurs have become a superior species and evil dictator Koopa wants to merge the dimensions and take over the World, making dinosaurs the dominant species.  So, Mario Bros to the rescue!!  But can they save the day?

This was the first movie made that was based on a video game....and in some ways, it shows.  This movie is awful, but when you look into what is happening behind the scenes it's not really surprising.  The script was rewritten so many times that actors started ignoring the rewrites...there were so many different coloured pages in the script it was called "The Rainbow Script".  This movie could have been really good, but the directors wanted a more adult-orientated movie where the studio wanted a more child orientated film.

This movie is not anywhere near faithful to the source material....I mean, Koopa evolved from a T-Rex?  Koopas are pinheaded reptiles that are the product of forced devolution?  The King of the dimension was devolved into slime and mushrooms?  And what was with Mario and Luigi not wearing something that looked similar to their trademark garb until over an hour into the movie?

This movie is so bad that Bob Hoskins said that this was the worst movie he ever worked on...apparently everyone knew this was going to be really bad and Hoskins and co-star Leguizamo went out drinking every night to get through it....and they also had Lance Henriksen in it too?  Madness.

This was not a good start for video game movies...and really so far there has not been much success in making a video game movie since.

This....this is currently the second worst movie I have ever watched....this was VERY close to a Birdemic beater, so very close.

If you really must watch this awful movie, Super Mario Bros. is rated PG and available in various formats.

Monday 18 September 2017

Was it worth releasing Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 3D?

This year was the 20th anniversary of Judgement Day...August 29th 1997...the day that Skynet fired nuclear missiles at Russia, starting the nuclear fire that wiped out 3 billion human lives in the Terminator storyline.

So what better way is there to celebrate this than re-watch Terminator 2: Judgement Day?  Well, maybe watch it in 3D and also given the 4k remaster treatment?

Well, if you've not seen this movie, it picks up 10 years after The Terminator.  Sarah Connor has been institutionalized, John Connor is in foster care and the world goes peacefully on....however this time 2 Terminators have been sent back through is there to kill John, the other is there to protect him...

But....was it worth going to watch it in 3D?

Don't get me wrong, the movie is amazing, and the 4k treatment made it look crisper and clearer than ever, and reminded me of the first time I went to see it in 1991 (I loved it so much I saw it 3 times in a week). There were some pieces that had also been digitally touched up although James Cameron hasn't been very forthcoming as to what exactly he'd done.   It was a good spit and polish that it deserved...however the 3D didn't really do anything for this movie at all.  It wasn't filmed in 3D or for 3D so it wasn't the greatest of looks almost like people had just added additional layers so it almost felt like layered moving paper.  This is the thing about making movies that are not 3D into 3D...for the most part it will not work.  It just felt like it was another way of getting money out of the fans.  Incidentally, the movie was supposed to be a one night only showing, but it was so well received that there were showings for the rest of the week.

....oh and for fans of Robert Patrick, now you cannot see his penis!

Terminator 2: Judgement Day is rated 15 and available on DVD and Blu-Ray now
Terminator 2: Judgement Day 3D is released on Blu-Ray 30th October in UK

Saturday 16 September 2017

Quest for Worst Movie Part 4 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Yes, I's been a while since I've done anything on my quest to find a movie WORSE than Birdemic, I've been recovering from surgery and I'm finally back!!  Hopefully I'll get the quest back on track as well as doing various reviews.....and so without further delay here's the fourth part of the quest, which has me watching the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street released in 2010

I've been a fan of horror as far as I can remember, the first movie I saw was Eyes of a Broken Doll, but the first movie I willingly saw with friends was the original A Nightmare on Elm Street.  The movie is an absolute classic, and got me hooked on horror.  Now, the franchise, like so many others, got sillier as it went along, but is still has a place in my heart and means a lot to me.

When it was announced that a remake was being made, I was dubious, I mean....this was a Freddy movie WITHOUT Rober Englund after all, and immediately this felt like a bad thing. I saw the trailer and then thought I'd give it a here's the trailer:

So, the teenagers of Springwood are finding they are having a problem with waking up dead, they are being plagued nightmares that feature a scarred man wearing a striped jumper, fedora and has sharp fingers on one hand. As they get picked off one by one they have to figure out how to stop this Freddy, the man of their dreams from wiping them all out.

The story is almost all the same apart from a few bits and bobs (or it pretty much feels that way) which isn't too bad apart from the main reason that they hunt down and kill Freddy (I won't give that away here, no spoilers in this blog if I can help it).  I have to admit that the bedroom and bathroom scenes were nice homages to the original movies in my opinion....however, as much as I enjoyed the movie when I saw it in the in the cinema, but it is nowhere near as good as the original despite the great makeup job on Jackie Earl Haley (truly looked like Mr Crispy!!) but it just didn't work, there was something missing and I honestly think it was Robert Englund...his charisma was what made it, after all the original is what kept New Line Cinema afloat (it made the company "The House That Freddy Built").

The film is ok I guess, but as a Freddy fan I'm really not impressed....I wonder if the planned upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street reboot will be better, but if I'm honest I seriously doubt it.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) is rated 18 and available in various formats now.

Saturday 9 September 2017


When you hear about Stephen King's IT, what do you usually think of?  Tim Curry?  Clowns?  Balloons?  Fear?
Maybe this?

The 1986 book IT gave people a fear of clowns, as did the 1990 TV series...and now the first movie in this set is about to do it all over again.

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you'll know that the remake of IT has been in the works for several years and it was a real rollercoaster of a ride...but finally, 27 years after the TV series was released....IT has returned.

I love horror, and I have been hyped for this movie ever since the announcement the remake was out of pre-production (I wanted to see a scarier movie...don't get me wrong the TV miniseries is great, but still I felt it needed something more) and there have been some great things to promote the movie, including an 8-bit game and a minisite dedicated to The Loser's Club.  Something else that caught my eye was a social media account by Pennywise, a fan who really knows her stuff when it comes to this franchise and is well worth a look and follow....I honestly thought that she was official PR it comes over that good!

The movie is about a group of bullied outcasts called The Losers Club. They notice that the children of Derry are disappearing and discover there is an evil under Derry in the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Pennywise preys on their fears.

This movie is brilliant, but you will be disappointed if you were expecting anything similar to the miniseries as there are more things faithful to the book.  The kids gave an awesome performance, as did the few adults you see too....but Bill SkarsgĂ„rd's performance as Pennywise truly steals the show.  Pennywise the clown this time around is cuter, more child-like...and because of this, IT is even creepier.  This movie is not the scariest that I've seen, but the creepiness of Pennywise makes the movie so much better and gives it the edge that it needs.

The one thing I did wonder about the movie was if it was originally going to be shot in 3D or going to be made into 3D as the title sequence and quite a few of the shots in the movie looked like they were made for 3D so maybe this will be made into a 3D movie sometime in the future.

I watched this movie 3 times on release day (including the Midnight screening) and I loved the movie more with each viewng.  I was also able to get this awesome poster at the Midnight screening:
You'll float too!!  You'll float too!!  YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!!
This movie is so good, I honestly think this is the movie of the year for me.  If you love horror, go see this and have a blast...but if you have coulrophobia then perhaps you should be wary....roll on Chapter 2!!

IT Chapter 1 is in cinemas now and is rated 15
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