Thursday 17 September 2009

The Final Destination 3D

This afternoon I went and saw the 3D version of The Final Destination at Vue Cinema, Festival Place, Basingstoke.

I cannot believe how expensive movies are if you want to watch them in 3D!! I think it's wrong that you have to pay the best part of a tenner in the afternoon to see them! Maybe they could do a deal that you get a discount if you bring your own 3D glasses or something!

Anyways, on with my thoughts of the movie.

The movie centers around a group of people who cheat death after a teen forsees that there is going to be a crash on a speedway which would kill them all if they stay....and "Death" is not happy about this, so each person who survived and shouldn't have gets killed off in spectacular ways. Without giving too much away, I think the best ones were in the swimming pool, and the mower!

I also really liked the beginning titles, they are x-rays of bodies being killed, which I'm sure are deaths from the previous 3 movies...nice touch!

I think the 3D was used to kinda good effect, with some of the things "flying out of the screen" but also was nice to have depth for some scenes of the movie.

This is the fourth movie in this franchise and to be honest if you have seen one of these movies you have pretty much seem them all, but saying that it is a good thing that no one has tried "messing with the formula" so that is kinda a good thing...but at the same time as much as this was a good movie to switch the brain off to, I seriously hope that this is The FINAL Destination.

The Final Destination is rated 15 and in cinemas now...oh and you can watch it in 2D if you dont want to pay stupid amounts of money to see it in digital 3D!!!

Oh yes, and I saw a 3D trailer for Avatar..looks good, I think I want to see that!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Julie and Julia

Last night me and Haunted Rock Cake went to a preview screening of the movie Julie and Julia at my local Odeon cinema.

Now before I'd seen any posters or heard any synopsis for this film, for some reason I had a mental image that this movie was about a split personality or something (not sure that would be a good subject for a 12A movie, but hey...) but I'm happy to say that this was not the case, in fact it was something totally different.

The movie is based on 2 true stories, of Julia Child and her story of how she got into cookery (the book is called "My Life In France"), and of blogger Julie Powel who challenges herself to cook every recipe from Julia's first book (Her story is called, oddly enough, "Julie and Julia").

The movie starts in the late 1940s where Julia Child moves to Paris with her husband (who works for the American Embassy) and she wants to find something to keep her occupied. she tries her hand at a few things and then decides she wants to do cooking, and enrolls into the Cordon Bleu class, and is the only woman in the class!

Coming back to almost present day (early 2000's) and we find Julie Powel has moved too, and that she cannot seem to complete everything...she also cooks the best meals from Julia Child's French cookery book when she has the worst days.

Julie decides that she should make a challenge for herself...she is going to to do all the recipes in this book in a year and decides to blog what happens.

The movie chops and changes between the 2 stories and you see the highs and lows in their endeavors and it is great fun to watch, with some sad moments in it as well as some genuinely laugh out loud parts too.

I really liked this fact the only thing that put a downer on this movie was the extortionate prices for nachos and the rather uncomfortable seating in the cinema...but the movie is a 8/10 and certainly a must have for my DVD collection when released (even though I was almost the only bloke in the screening!)

Julie And Julia is released this week in the UK and is rated 12A
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